badge 3/12
Data Bricklayer

badge 3/12
Data Bricklayer
Badge unlocked!
(Badge not yet unlocked.)
Did you get your hands dirty with some data in your very first hands-on session? Well done, this is your first step to becoming a Databricks expert!
Stop for a moment and think about where this journey will take you. Now that you know how to log in, start a Spark cluster, and play around with some data on Databricks, you have unlocked a whole new world of possibilities. There is certainly no better occasion than this one to officially hand you your new achievement badge: You may now call yourself a “data bricklayer”!
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You Unlocked a new Badge!
Spark Saga Starter
You did it – you started your Spark journey!
You did it – you started your Spark journey! There are exciting times ahead. You will explore the big world of Apache Spark, getting to know many of the intricacies and wonders it has in stock for you. Along the journey, you will collect valuable batches which help keep you motivated as you become a true Spark expert.
Will you collect all 12 badges and become a master of big data processing?

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Great job! Through providing feedback to a learning module, you just gained the contributor badge!
Feedback is a gift – not only to the course instructor, but to the entire learning community. Through your valuable feedback, the course will be improved further. Thank you for giving feedback, it means a lot
Wear your badge with pride, you deserve it!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Data Bricklayer
you get your hands dirty with some data in your very first hands-on
session? Well done, this is your first step to becoming a Databricks
for a moment and think about where this journey will take you. Now that
you know how to log in, start a Spark cluster, and play around with
some data on Databricks, you have unlocked a whole new world of
possibilities. There is certainly no better occasion than this one to
officially hand you your new achievement badge: You may now call
yourself a “data bricklayer”!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Watercooler Whisperer
You had a great first day at DAGMart and actually got some stuff done!
The first days of an internship can be daunting – a lot of new
colleagues to meet and access rights to request. But do you want to hear
the good news? As an intern at DAGMart, you are free to expand your
informal network.
Check out who is gathered around the watercooler and mention your interest in big data – you will for sure get some interest. Don’t forget to wear your new watercooler whisperer batch visibly, it will be great conversation starter.
Good job, keep going!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Supreme Scholar
Wow, what was that? You kept your focus for a really long time. The
“Memory in Action” lesson is the longest yet – but you hopefully
listened carefully and with interest. Take a breath to think about what
you heard and try out the memory management concepts in the hands-on
session. Seriously, if you have understood the memory concepts of Spark
explained in the lessons, you are definitely already gaining an
impressive understanding of the fundamentals of Spark. Super cool – just
imagine where you will be at the end of the course!
Please accept this “Supreme Scholar” badge as a recognition for your efforts!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Twilight Spark Trailblazer
evenings at the DAGMart office? Sounds like you are passionate about
getting to know Spark… Who would blame you? It is a super interesting
and relevant technology. And you are well on your way to mastering it!
Did you know you are already halfway through the course? Please don’t
forget to be proud of this achievement! Through your self-study efforts,
you are building new opportunities for you, be it for getting a new or
different job or for mastering new tools so you can work on your dream
project. Do you dream about Apache Spark at this point? It is fine,
given your late-night efforts for DAGMart, you truly deserve the badge
of “Twilight Spark Trailblazer”.
Cheers to you!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Spark Data Wrangling Wiz
or removing columns? Easy! Modifying some data? Piece of cake! Come on,
you really have pushed yourself to a new frontier! By now, you are able
to handle a lot of different data wrangling operations in PySpark! Can I
call you Spark Data Wrangling Wiz? It says so on your new badge!
Congratulations – you can be proud of having gained these super relevant

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Spark Mind Melter
Okay, now you are starting to scare me. You have learned a lot, lot, lot
about Apache Spark. Joins and the mechanisms behind them, arguably some
of the most sophisticated mechanisms in the Apache Spark engine room,
are now part of YOUR knowledge. Really impressive! I guess if someone has issues with Apache Spark, they can call YOU now?
Pat yourself on the back and keep it between us: But your new badge is
respectfully titled “Spark Mind Melter”. Use your power with care and
for good!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Canteen Bragging Rights
“Do you know what’s funny?”, you ask Thiago in the line for the canteen.
“Tell me!” – “Well, do you know what DAG in DAGMart can also mean?”,
you answer. “No idea! But if it is a joke then please don’t tell me
here. Let’s wait until we are at the table with the rest of the team, we
are almost at the end of the line.” – Fine then, you have to wait to
tell your joke. Is it a dumb joke? Who cares!
Knowing what the DAG is definitely gives you bragging rights in the canteen. Your nerdy chatter will impress and you can even be a little proud of yourself of knowing how the DAG actually matters in Apache Spark. Really, really good! You totally got this! Please enjoy your new badge and bon appétit!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
People listen to you. People look up to you. You know your stuff about
Apache Spark. People in the office know you know. Your friends know you
know. When a DAGMart colleague has a question about Apache Spark, they
come to you or find to you through the recommendations of your
colleagues. You are a true DAGMart MVP – and would even be able to
explain Spark to Maya, the CEO of DAGMart, if she ever asked you.
Be proud of yourself, you are almost at the end of the course. From
hereon, there are only practice tests left that sharpen your skills for
the certification. A lot lies behind you and a new, exciting phase of
your Spark learning journey and certification training in front. It’s
the final countdown and you are so on fire! Go for it!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Prep Prodigy
How was the practice exam? You mastered the transition from lessons to
practice tests with discipline and strength. Just look at everything
that you have achieved so far! You went through all the course, you did
the first practice exam… I mean, who else prepares so thoroughly for a
Spark certification? For hitting it big in the Apache Spark world? For
having an impact on the world through big data processing? You are
everything! You go your way with Spark, there is no doubt about it! You
are a Prep Prodigy!
Don’t grow wings and fly away yet – two more practice tests plus the
certification await you. Two thumbs up, your Spark skills are awesome!

You Unlocked a new Badge!
Absolute Spark Champion
Let’s party – with your preparation for the Databricks Spark
certification, you set an example! You know your Spark, be it from the
theory or practice side. Will you accept the final badge, the last
inofficial Spark batch I can give you? Please let me tell you that I
think since you made it through the course, you are an absolute Spark
Thank you, it has been amazing to be able to help you on your path! If
you ever have questions or comments, please reach out! I would love to
stay in touch, you absolute Spark champion! It is incredible that you
did it! Be proud of yourself!